Privat Religious Institutions
Privat Instituciones Religiosas is a business area within Privat Specialized advice in managing insurance for Religious Institutions at a State level and advising Educational Centers with an approximate volume of 200,000 students/clients.
We have 30 years of experience, and we use it to apply it to the clients who give us their trust, and these in turn provide us with more experience
Our objetive
To counsel our clients on protection and risk transfer and to obtain from the insurance market the best coverage under the best conditions
Privat Instituciones Religiosas offers comprehensive services in the field of insurance:
- Analysis and Audits of current contracts
- Identification of the Risks to be Assured
- Negotiation and Placement in the Insurance Market of the Insurance program in an objective and independent way
- Claims advice
Services and consulting
Some of the insurances directed to the Religious Institutions are:
- Compulsory Insurance for Schools:
- Civil Responsibility.
- Employee Accident.
- Automobiles.
- SEPE accidents.
- Voluntary Insurance for Schools
- Schools, Universities, Parishes, Sanctuaries, Farm Schools, Hostels, Foundations, NGOs, Centres for labour insertion.
- Communities, residences, shelters.
- Platforms and social entities.
- Students’ accidents, Occupational Training.
- Travel Assistance (Students and Teachers).
- Parents’ Association, Youth Association.
- Data protection and computer security.
- Insurance for Religious:
- Medical Assistance
- Travel Assistance
- Social Security …
If you have any questions, please fill out the form and a specialist will contact you as soon possible